It’s not just about phones anymore; many other technologies are on the horizon to change our world.
We are starting to see how the Internet of Things (IoT) will be the foundation of this future. If you haven’t already, getting familiar with the concept is important.
But the future is not yet set in stone. We can still learn things from the past and something we can expect to see in the coming years.
We asked some of our favorite bloggers and writers to give us their predictions about what will happen in 2023.
Let’s face it. Our phones have become our favorite source of entertainment. We watch videos, play games, and get caught up on social media while on the go. In fact, according to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, over 90% of adults use their cell phones to access the internet at least occasionally. The study also found that the number of people watching videos online has almost doubled in the last five years.
AI will be the new standard.
I recently read an article about a new AI standard being released. It stated that AI will be the standard by 2019, rather than humans.
I love the idea of AI being the standard. Undoubtedly, we are rapidly approaching the day robots will do our jobs. And they will be better at doing them than we are.
That said, I’m not sure that AI will be the standard. Instead, I believe it will be like “Machine Learning AI.” It’s similar to how we use “AI” today. Instead of telling our AI what to do, we teach it.
Today, if you want to automate a process, you need to write a program. The program must then learn from its experience and modify itself accordingly. This process repeats until the program is optimized for a specific task.
While this approach works, it is inefficient and requires much human labor.
In 2023, we will be able to teach AI how to learn and improve independently. TAI, we will be introduced to speak and write like we teach a child to speak.
The world’s smartest cities
In addition to the world’s most powerful technologies, there is the possibility of the world’s smartest cities. We know that this is a very big deal.
Google has already identified seven cities that have made it onto its Smart Cities Index, which looks at Internet access, energy efficiency, and education.
But this isn’t the only important thing. To rank well in the future, you must understand what the world’s smartest cities are up to.
To do this, we looked at the most recent data on smart city innovation available on the Smart Cities Index and compared it to the data from the last year.
Smart homes
With the growth of the Internet of Things, it’s no surprise that more and more homes are becoming “smart.” Here are a few trends we’ll see in the future.
Home security
As people become more connected to the internet, they will be more aware of their surroundings. This means more home security systems. These systems will become smarter, easier to use, and able to provide real-time information on potential threats.
Homes will become “smarter” by using sensors, cameras, and other internet-connected devices.
Homes can communicate with each other and the outside world, including voice recognition, text messaging, and even the ability to control appliances.
Internet-enabled TVs
As the Internet of Things continues to grow, so will the number of Internet-connected TVs. This means that TVs will no longer only be used to watch TV. They’ll be used to connect to the internet, stream content, and interact with other devices.
Imagine a future where you can access the internet from your TV. Your TV can communicate with your smart home system and adjust your home’s temperature.
Your smart home system could tell your TV when to start playing a movie. Or it could notify your TV when to shut off.
Homes can communicate with each other and the outside world, including voice recognition, text messaging, and even the ability to control appliances.
Homes can communicate with each other and the outside world, including voice recognition, text messaging, and even the ability to control appliances.
Home automation
As the Internet of Things grows, it will become a part of our everyday lives. As a result, we’ll see the development of new technologies that make our homes more automated and less labor-intensive.
From the moment we wake up until we go to bed, our homes will be controlled.
Homes can communicate with each other and the outside world, including voice recognition, text messaging, and even the ability to control appliances.
Augmented Reality
As more and more of our lives are influenced by technology, the world of technology is also changing. With this in mind, let’s look at what will happen in the future of augmented reality.
Frequently asked questions about Tech.
Q: What should I know about the technology of tomorrow?
A: You should know that the world will be more connected. Everyone will be on their smartphones or computers all day, all night. This will be the year of the AI, and the AI will take over everything. A lot of people are going to be scared when this happens, but this is what life is going to be like in the future.
Q: Can you describe some devices we will use in 2023?
A: Many people will have augmented reality glasses, where you put your phone over your eyes, showing you the images. In your home, you will have a holographic projection. We will also be wearing clothing to have clothing synched to our bodies, and we won’t have to wear clothing.
Top Myths About Tech
- We’re going to Mars.
- We’ll have hover cars.
- We’ll have robots working alongside us at all times.
- We’ll have fully automated factories.
Tech is one of the most exciting things in the world right now, and we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what’s possible. So many amazing devices, apps, and services are being developed now that tracking them all is hard.
I can’t predict the future, but I can tell you that several technologies are coming down the pipe to revolutionize how we interact with the world around us. Some tech updates are already in the works, and others are still a ways off.
But regardless of what happens, we will see some interesting developments in the next few years.