The decision to lose weight is often a good thing for your health. Previous studies have found that even a modest weight loss can provide health benefits, including lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

So, even a 5 percent reduction in weight will reduce your risk of health complications associated with obesity.

Losing Weight

Shedding excess pounds can also help you live longer. A previous study involving the data of more than a million adults found a strong link between obesity and mortality. The more overweight a person is, the higher their risk of death. Researchers found this was true across all age groups, whether they have no pre-existing condition or have never smoked.

Feel Physically and Mentally Better

In addition, those who have successfully lost weight and kept excess pounds off feel better about their body. They become stronger physically, gain better self-esteem, and be overall happier.

Losing weight is not easy because it requires significant lifestyle changes. Attempts to lose weight through calorie restrictions often fail because adopting new eating habits is unsustainable. It is better to slowly but steadily lose weight by eating moderately and exercising regularly. Numerous diet fads emerge periodically, but only a few see positive results from these weight-reduction plans.

However, as anyone who has tried to lose weight knows, it is easier said than done. Slimming down to a healthy weight is a long and challenging journey. Keeping the excess weight off also requires a lot of effort.

Losing weight is even more challenging when your body and mind seem to fight your efforts to be healthier. Here are some ways your body might be holding you back from achieving your ideal weight:


Your efforts to lose weight through exercise and eating less have been successful for weeks. You have seen the scale go down gradually, day per day, bringing you closer to your goal weight. Everything, however, comes crashing down the week before you start your period. Suddenly, you are urged to binge on sweet chocolate sundaes and salty potato crisps. Greasy pizzas and burgers might have replaced your daily meals with vegetables, lean meats, and fruits.

Almost every woman is familiar with the intense cravings of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Over 90 percent of women have said they experience headaches, pelvic pains, bloating, moodiness, and the desire to eat unhealthy snacks about one or two weeks before they menstruate.

These symptoms appear whenever it is the time of the month due to changes in estrogen levels in your body. Estrogen is responsible for regulating your monthly cycle, but it also influences your metabolism. It plays a role in how the body uses the food you consume for energy.

Underlying Thyroid Problem

One of the most common reasons people struggle to lose weight is hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland releases the thyroid hormone and is directly responsible for metabolism. Metabolism is directly affected when the thyroid gland is underactive or releases fewer hormones than usual. The body burns calories more slowly, leading to constipation and weight gain problems.

This is a medical problem; unlike PMS, it will not come and go as the weeks pass. Patients with underactive thyroid glands should immediately seek a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Aside from difficulties losing weight, people with undiagnosed thyroid problems can also experience fatigue, dry skin, puffy face, muscle weakness, and increased sensitivity to cold. The condition is diagnosed through a simple blood test. Treatment will usually involve hormone replacement medication.


Stress is also a common culprit behind weight gain. When people are stressed, their body releases the hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for the body’s fight-or-flight response. Cortisol is healthy in short bursts but can negatively affect the body when levels are elevated for a long time.

This hormone is responsible for many things. It will stimulate the rapid metabolism of fat and carbohydrates to generate energy that your body will need in a dangerous scenario. This process also encourages you to eat more as your body prepares to spring into action. And when you end up not burning the calories you have consumed to either combat an attacker or flee from danger, you gain weight.

Worse, cortisol dictates where the excess pounds are stored: around the stomach. Fat in the abdominal area has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

If you want to lose weight, it will help to include yoga or meditation into your weight loss routine to calm you down and reduce cortisol levels in your body.

Your hormones control a lot about you, from your moods to your weight. Reaching your goal weight would not be easy if you are experiencing hormonal changes. In any case, seek medical advice to help you cope with your body’s changes.